
ゲームAIの思考方法や学習方法は,ゲームの性質たとえば完全情報/不完全情報,人数(1,2,3以上),報酬(ゼロ和/その他)などで,適する手法や難しさが大きく変わります.適した性質を持つゲームを題材とすることで,様々な正則面から手法を評価することができます. 二人ゼロ和完全情報ゲームについては,囲碁や将棋のページもご覧ください.
部分観測,毎回異なる迷路の探検(汎化),敵のいる環境での生存など,Rogue での強化学習には様々な興味深い課題があります.
- Kanagawa, Y. and T. Kaneko “Rogue-Gym: A New Challenge for Generalization in Reinforce- ment Learning,” in IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), pp. 1–8 (2019), DOI: 10.1109/CIG.2019.8848075
- 金川・金子 「ローグライクゲームによる強化学習ベンチマーク環境 Rogue-Gym の提 案」,第 23 回ゲームプログラミングワークショップ,120–127 (2018). http://id.nii.ac.jp/1001/00191975/
- https://github.com/kngwyu/rogue-gym
- Gendre, Q. and T. Kaneko “Playing Catan with Cross-Dimensional Neural Network,” in ICONIP, pp. 580–592: Springer (2020a), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-63833-7_49
- https://github.com/Swynfel/rust-catan
- Gendre, Q. and T. Kaneko “Ceramic: A research environment based on the multi-player strate- gic board game Azul,” in 25th Game Programming Workshop, pp. 155–160, 11 (2020),
- https://github.com/Swynfel/ceramic
StarCraft II
StarCraft IIはリアルタイム,不完全情報ゲームで,強化学習環境が公開されています(pysc2, smac).
- Xu, F. and Kaneko, T. “Local coordination in multi-agent reinforcement learning,” International conference on technologies and applications of artificial intelligence 2021(to appear)
- Hu, Z. and T. Kaneko “Enhancing Sample Efficiency of Deep Reinforcement Learning to Master the Mini-games of StarCraft II,” in 24th Game Programming Workshop, pp. 250–257 (2019).
- Chen, C. and T. Kaneko “Acquiring Strategies for the Board Game Geister by Regret Minimization,” in International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1–6 (2019), DOI: 10.1109/TAAI48200.2019.8959878.
- H. Long and T. Kaneko “Training Japanese Mahjong Agent with Two Dimension Feature Representation,” in 25th Game Programming Workshop, pp. 125–130 (2020).
- Sun, Y. and T. Kaneko “Prediction of Werewolf Players by Sentiment Analysis of Game Dialogue in Japanese,” 26th game programming workshop pp. 186–191, 2021.
- Wang, T. and T. Kaneko “Application of Deep Reinforcement Learning in Werewolf Game Agents,” in IEEE Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 28–33 (2018), DOI: 10.1109/TAAI.2018.00016.

- Yi, C. and Kaneko, T. “Improving counterfactual regret minimization agents training in card game cheat using ordered abstraction” Advances in computers and games 2021(to appear)
- 畳み込みネットワークによる No-Limit Hold’em の研究. 黄柱皓, 金子知適. 94–99, ゲーム・プログラミング ワークショップ 2016.
- Zhu, H. and T. Kaneko “Residual Network for Deep Reinforcement Learning with Attention Mechanism,” J. Inf. Sci. Eng., Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 517–533 (2021), DOI: 10.6688/JISE.20210537(3) .0002.
- Hyunwoo, O. and T. Kaneko “Deep Recurrent Q-Network with Truncated History,” in IEEE Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 34–39 (2018), DOI: 10.1109/TAAI.2018. 00017.